
I have hesitated a long time over how to frame this. Actually, I have hesitated over how to work blogs at all, and I'm sure I haven't got it yet. But really, I have got to start on something that is very close to my heart. So this is just the introduction.

Bullying is very common. We are chimpanzees, basically. Wherever you go, in every human institution, you will find bullying. The only way you/we can put a stop to it is to acknowledge it. Both in general (it happens), and specifically (this is what is happening here/in our organisation). What is depressing, to me anyway, is that churches simply don't take it seriously enough. I have experience of the Church of England, mostly. So I will say that the CofE needs to look at itself nationally, at Diocesan level, and at each individual church within it. It's a tall order. But the organisation that doesn't have both a policy, and methodology laid down, is simply an organisation where bullying is rife.

I am going to talk about case histories. The people will be disguised. Many of them are personal, either they happened to me, or I was there, or someone I knew well enough to be sure of told me. Some will be things that happened further afield, and some perhaps from the literature. I hope also to talk theologically. Here follows the disclaimer! I am no expert. But for those who may pick up this blog, perhaps it will be useful. I will see how it develops.


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