We are chimpanzees
I have asked myself many times how it happens that it is so easy for bullying to happen within a church environment. I'm not a social anthropologist, but I think it's just a matter of statistics that it is common. And then structures that permit it. We are chimpanzees, basically. We are all (?) a bit that way inclined. We push and shove and shout to get our own way. But we are of course, thinking chimpanzees, and for human societies, it shouldn't be as simple as that. But even so, if you give a group of people the opportunity to get what they want by pushing other people around, some of them will take it. Just statistics. Which is why it is so ridiculous for anyone to claim that there is no bullying within their organisation. There will be. There's no point in taking it personally. You can, of course, make it harder for bullies to flourish and bullying to go on unobserved. And unsurprisingly, you can make it easier. I believe that the structure of the Church of Engl...