What do You Want?
"What do you want?" is what you get asked in my favourite imaginary conversation! Imaginary because it hasn't happened, and isn't likely to. It happens when, finally, someone who is in a position to take action listens to what I have said, and is sad and sorry and wishes to make amends. Perhaps it's just me, but thoughts like "what about £1million for a start" do cross my mind. How much money would it take for a person to feel that whatever has happened to them over the last 20, 30 or even more years is now OK? I fear the answer is going to be, "actually nothing can do that". But there would, in my imaginary conversation, come a point when you would be rather cutting off your nose to spite your face if you said "no". I mean, a couple of million? That would change things for your family, too. Would you have a right to turn it down on their behalf? Personally, I know I would feel like Pooh-bah. I am being insulted, bought off. I wou...